What are Your Self Beliefs?

According to the Collins English Dictionary “Self Belief” means the confidence one has in their own abilities or judgment.  When a person has a negative self-belief they become stuck and often incapable of doing the things they need to do to live successful lives.  The opposite is true of those who have positive self-beliefs, they have confidence and are able to accomplish more because they believe in themselves.  Answer the following questions to see what your self-beliefs are today.

1 / 80

I can’t love

2 / 80

I am bad

3 / 80

I fit in

4 / 80

I always feel sick

5 / 80

I am good

6 / 80

Something is wrong with me

7 / 80

I am going to explode

8 / 80

I deserve to exist

9 / 80

I am all better

10 / 80

I am enough by myself

11 / 80

I am safe now

12 / 80

I can safely let go of some control

13 / 80

I messed up

14 / 80

I am clear headed

15 / 80

I am loveable

16 / 80

I can trust

17 / 80

I am satisfied

18 / 80

I am lost

19 / 80

My feelings don’t matter

20 / 80

I have value regardless

21 / 80

I don’t understand

22 / 80

I am responsible for everything

23 / 80

I can’t get help

24 / 80

I am not in control

25 / 80

I am calm

26 / 80

My body is wrong

27 / 80

I trust myself

28 / 80

I can’t do it

29 / 80

I don’t fit in

30 / 80

I’m alone

31 / 80

I’m here and will be seen

32 / 80

I am not loveable

33 / 80

I feel good

34 / 80

I don’t deserve to live

35 / 80

I can do it

36 / 80

I don’t matter

37 / 80

I have control

38 / 80

I can recognize appropriate responsibility

39 / 80

I do bad things

40 / 80

I’m stupid

41 / 80

I can defend myself

42 / 80

I am just right

43 / 80

I am significant

44 / 80

I am alive

45 / 80

I am always hungry

46 / 80

I am wrong

47 / 80

I am smart

48 / 80

I can’t trust myself

49 / 80

I can’t protect myself

50 / 80

I’m hurt

51 / 80

I am okay as I am

52 / 80

I am scared

53 / 80

I should have done something

54 / 80

I’m in a fog

55 / 80

I found my way

56 / 80

I’m not important

57 / 80

I am invisible

58 / 80

I can get help

59 / 80

I am cool

60 / 80

I can make good choices

61 / 80

I am not good enough

62 / 80

I can learn from my mistakes

63 / 80

My body is just right

64 / 80

I am worthless

65 / 80

I can make a mistake

66 / 80

I am not safe

67 / 80

I did all I could do

68 / 80

I’m trapped

69 / 80

I am okay

70 / 80

I am important

71 / 80

I can’t trust anything

72 / 80

I have to be in control

73 / 80

I am at ease

74 / 80

I am not valued

75 / 80

I can love

76 / 80

I understand

77 / 80

I can’t do anything right

78 / 80

I feel like I am going to die

79 / 80

I can only control what I can

80 / 80

I can accept myself