Do You Have ADHD?

This quiz will ask questions focusing on different aspects of your life that could be affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD.  The purpose of this tool is to help you narrow your search along your information journey; this is not a diagnostic tool.  This tool does not incorporate all the personal, health, and demographic factors related to you, individually, that would allow a definitive cause or causes to be suggested. The most reliable way to determine the cause of your symptoms, and what to do, is to visit a health professional.

1 / 22

Do you find yourself making careless mistakes when engaged in something you feel is boring, repetitive, or difficult?

Examples could include:

  • Like locking your keys in the car
  • Messing up your paperwork
  • Writing down appointments or information incorrectly
  • Leaving the stove on
  • Misreading directions or texts leading to further problems

2 / 22

Is it difficult to keep your attention focused on a task or activity even when you are really trying to concentrate; especially when you find it boring, repetitive or difficult?

Examples could include:

  • Zoning out during meetings or gatherings
  • Unable to read for long or at all, without your mind wandering
  • While driving, you miss your turn because you were lost in thought
  • You often don’t notice when it is your turn while playing games
  • You frequently come close to running into things without really noticing that they are there
  • You change the subject in the middle of a conversation or go down rabbit trails because you cannot stay on topic

3 / 22

Is it difficult to keep your attention focused on a task or activity even when you are really trying to concentrate; especially when you find it boring, repetitive or difficult?

Examples could include:

  • Zoning out during meetings or gatherings
  • Unable to read for long or at all, without your mind wandering
  • While driving, you miss your turn because you were lost in thought
  • You often don’t notice when it is your turn while playing games
  • You frequently come close to running into things without really noticing that they are there
  • You change the subject in the middle of a conversation or go down rabbit trails because you cannot stay on topic

4 / 22

Do you struggle to follow through on things or delaying projects; starting tasks or assignments that never get finished?

Examples could include:

  • You start loading the dishwasher but get sidetracked and don’t finish
  • At times you have to re-wash the same load of laundry because you forgot and they soured
  • You have multiple projects going on at once but struggle to finish any of them

5 / 22

Do you REALLY struggle with being disorganized? Are you messy, struggle with time management, or get overwhelmed by complex tasks or projects?

Examples could include:

  • Your house, car, desk, workstation, etc. is very messy
  • You hesitate having people over to your home because you don’t want them to see the mess
  • Life seems overrun by paper – mail, paperwork, etc.
  • You are late just about everywhere you go
  • Projects can get really overwhelming because you do not know where to start or how to make it happen
  • If you do get organized, it never stays that way
  • Everyone else seems to be able to balance life responsibilities way better than you

6 / 22

Do you struggle to do tasks that take a lot of time, have a lot of steps, or require a lot of mental effort?

Examples could include:

  • You do your taxes last second
  • You dread filling out paperwork and often put it off
  • Your to do list rarely gets done.  It’s too overwhelming
  • Tasks with no deadline seldom get done
  • You rely on the urgency of a rapidly approaching deadline to do the stuff you really don’t want to do but you have to do
  • You are a procrastinator

7 / 22

Do you often lose or misplace stuff; especially the stuff you regularly need or use?

Examples could include:

  • Your wallet, keys, social security card, glasses, driver’s license, debit card, phone, work badge, important paperwork…
  • That cup of coffee you just made
  • The thing you JUST HAD in your hand but suddenly can’t find

8 / 22

Are you typically distracted when there is activity or noise around you; even when you are trying hard to stay focused?

Examples could include:

  • You often get distracted by your own thoughts, random noises, movement, or something that needs to be done
  • Noises like a clock ticking, a song, or other people’s conversations make it incredibly difficult to pay attention or even engage in a conversation
  • When driving, you seem to look at everything except the road

9 / 22

Are you forgetful or have a difficult time remembering important appointments or obligations?

Examples could include:

  • You forget what you are talking about mid-sentence
  • Walk into a room and forget why you went there
  • You have to have a reminder on your phone or your calendar open to remember
  • You have to write down most things on post it notes, planner or calendar to remember
  • You forget to call, email or text people back regularly
  • You forget appointments, to make them or show up to them
  • You forget to pay bills or to take your medications

10 / 22

Do you fidget, squirm, or tap a lot? Especially when sitting down or doing something boring?

Examples could include:

  • Playing with your hair
  • Biting your fingernails or skin
  • Tapping your hands, fingers, or feet
  • Bouncing our leg
  • Moving around in your seat
  • Clicking your pen
  • Playing with nearby objects

11 / 22

Do you get out of your chair during times you are supposed to stay seated?

Examples could include:

  • During lectures, classes, meetings, church, etc. – you go to the bathroom, not because you need to go but because you need an excuse to get out of your chair.
  • You stand in the back or try to find a way to keep from having to be seated to begin with
  • You may even stretch, bounce, or move around in the back of the room while standing

12 / 22

Do you often feel restless?

Examples could include:

  • You frequently feel “anxious” physically but don’t have any worried thoughts that go with it
  • You feel constantly bored and like you need to DO something even if you don’t know what
  • You keep feeling like you need to change something up
  • Impulsive decisions like moving jobs fast, spending money, etc. all trying to satisfy the restless “itch”

13 / 22

Do you have difficulty unwinding, letting go, or find it nearly impossible to do leisure activities and relax?

Examples could include:

  • You tend to do multiple things at one time.  You may even have 10+ browser tabs going every time you use your computer while also burning dinner on accident and talking on the phone
  • It is hard to relax, you have too much pent-up energy for that
  • It is hard to sit still for movies, relax for a massage, or to get your hair cut because being still drives you crazy

14 / 22

Are you always “on the go,” difficult for others to keep up with, or really hate being still?

Examples could include:

  • You walk fast, talk fast, eat fast, drive fast – just about everything you do is fast
  • You get irritable when you must wait on slow people
  • You hate when people talk a lot, have long stories, or are slow to get their words out
  • People often say you “look like you are in a hurry or busy”
  • You like moving around, going several different places without saying anywhere for long
  • Road rage is a major problem for you

15 / 22

Do you talk a lot? Do others consider it excessive or does it happen at the expense of a social life or during inappropriate times?

Examples could include:

  • You have been called a chatty Cathy or a motor mouth
  • You get in trouble for talking too much or people get annoyed by it
  • When you tell a story, it goes on longer than most people’s stories
  • You don’t think you talk too much, but other people disagree
  • You even talk (unnecessarily) when you are supposed to be quiet like during class, meetings, church, etc.

16 / 22

Do you tend to blurt things out on impulse?

Examples could include:

  • You frequently answer before a question is even finished being asked
  • You are often finishing other people’s sentences before they do
  • You blurt out things (unfiltered thoughts, opinions, mimicking other people’s accents, scoffing, etc.) that you regret saying as soon as it happens

17 / 22

Is it Really hard to wait your turn or do you avoid situations when waiting is expected or appropriate?

Examples could include:

  • Waiting in line for things makes you physically uncomfortable
  • Getting in slower moving traffic make you angry
  • You would rather go the long way than be stuck in traffic, even if it added time to your trip
  • Crowded places that make it difficult to walk without bumping into someone makes you angry, frustrated, anxious, etc.

18 / 22

Do you interrupt when others are talking or doing something?

Examples could include:

  • You interrupt when other people are talking and talk over them
  • You use other people’s stuff without asking
  • You butt into other people’s conversations or even take over the conversation
  • You frequently interrupt people when they are working or doing something important
  • You tend to “take over” what other people are doing
  • You have an opinion or story about everything

19 / 22

Do you feel like you are “passing for normal,” but you are really an imposter?

Examples could include:

  • You question your own ability or knowledge
  • You are flooded with self-doubt
  • You have a lot of experience or education but still feel like you don’t measure up to others
  • You are never satisfied with your level of understanding and fixate on your mistakes

20 / 22

Does it seem like you are never quiet; like even playing or doing fun things has to have some kind of noise?

Examples could include:

  • You frequently talk to yourself out loud
  • You are always singing or humming or turning everyday things into song
  • You often narrate the things you are doing out loud while you are doing them, like “and now, I am adding the eggs…”
  • You often make sound effects or random noises while doing things or just going about your day

21 / 22

Were any of these symptoms present when you were a kid or did, they start when you were an adult?

Examples could include:

  • You lost or forgot to turn in your homework often
  • You got in trouble in school for talking too much
  • Your house, backpack, or desk was always a mess
  • You heard things like “fails to pay attention”, “needs to try harder”, “isn’t reaching their protentional”, “lazy”, “spacey”, “ditsy”, etc.
  • You were always daydreaming in class
  • You procrastinated on your schoolwork, always leaving it to the last minute

22 / 22

Of the symptoms you checked, do they happen only in one area of your life (i.e. they only happen at home) or do they happen in multiple places or even everywhere?

Enneagram Personailty Test

The RHETI Sampler’s 36 questions are only a part of the full, independently scientifically validated 144-question Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI, Version 2.5) personality inventory. Short personality quizzes such as the RHETI Sampler cannot guarantee that your basic personality type will be indicated, although your type will most likely be one of the top three scores in this free quiz. We recommend that you read the type descriptions at the end of this test, and in Riso-Hudson Enneagram books, to help you identify your basic personality type.


1 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

2 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

3 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

4 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

5 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

6 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

7 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

8 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

9 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

10 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

11 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

12 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

13 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

14 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

15 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

16 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

17 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

18 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

19 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

20 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

21 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

22 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

23 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

24 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

25 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

26 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

27 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

28 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

29 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

30 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

31 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

32 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

33 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

34 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

35 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.

36 / 36

Select the statement that best describes you the majority of the time.


ACEs stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences and is a quiz made up of eleven questions about common traumatic experiences that may occur in a child’s life before 18 years of age. The quiz was developed to be an indicator of how likely a person might be at risk of certain health problems later in life

1 / 10

Did a parent or other adult in the household often:
Push, grab, slap, or throw something at you?
Ever hit you so hard that you had marks or were injured?

2 / 10

Did an adult or person at least 5 years older than you ever:
Touch or fondle you or have you touch their body in a sexual way?
Attempt or actually have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you?

3 / 10

Did a parent or other adult in the household often:
Swear at you, insult you, put you down, or humiliate you?
Act in a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt?

4 / 10

Did you often feel that:
No one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special?
Your family didn’t look out for each other, feel close to each other, or support each other?

5 / 10

Did you often feel that:
You didn’t have enough to eat, had to wear dirty clothes, and had no one to protect you?
Your parents were too drunk or high to take care of you or take you to the doctor if you needed it?

6 / 10

Were your parents ever separated or divorced?

7 / 10

Were any of your parents or other adult caregivers:
Often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at them?
Sometimes or often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard?
Ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes or threatened with a gun or knife?

8 / 10

Did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic, or who used street drugs?

9 / 10

Was a household member depressed or mentally ill, or did a household member attempt suicide?

10 / 10

Did a household member go to prison?

What is My Love Language?

What if you could say or do just the right thing guaranteed to make that special someone feel loved? The secret is learning the right love language! According to Dr. Gary Chapman, there are five different love languages that people speak.  Each of us tends to feel love in some of these areas more than in other areas. By learning to give love in the ways that our partner can best receive it, we can create stronger relationships.

1 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

2 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

3 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

4 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

5 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

6 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

7 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

8 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

9 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

10 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

11 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

12 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

13 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

14 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

15 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

16 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

17 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

18 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

19 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

20 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

21 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

22 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

23 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

24 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

25 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

26 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

27 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

28 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

29 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

30 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?


What is My Child’s Love Language?

You love your child, right? But do they truly feel it?  Everyone, including your child, needs to feel loved and heard.  According to Dr. Gary Chapman of the New York Times Bestseller “The 5 Love Languages,” the best way for your child to feel loved and heard is by speaking their natural love language.  When they are secure in their sense of love then they will feel safe and assured, therefore allowing them to navigate childhood with confidence.

1 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

2 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

3 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

4 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

5 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

6 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

7 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

8 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

9 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

10 / 30

Which statement best describes you?

11 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

12 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

13 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

14 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

15 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

16 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

17 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

18 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

19 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

20 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

21 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

22 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

23 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

24 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

25 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

26 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

27 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

28 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

29 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?

30 / 30

Ask your child which of these statements they would prefer to hear?


Animal Type Personality Test

What animal are you most like?  A Lion, an Otter, a Golden Retriever or even a Beaver?  Take this quiz and find out which of the four animals best fit your personality.  When you are finished with the quiz you will receive an email that give you descriptions and your strengths and weaknesses.

1 / 30

Which is most true for you?

2 / 30

Which is most true for you?

3 / 30

Which is most true for you?

4 / 30

Which is most true for you?

5 / 30

Which is most true for you?

6 / 30

Which is most true for you?

7 / 30

Which is most true for you?

8 / 30

Which is most true for you?

9 / 30

Which is most true for you?

10 / 30

Which is most true for you?

11 / 30

Which is most true for you?

12 / 30

Which is most true for you?

13 / 30

Which is most true for you?

14 / 30

Which is most true for you?

15 / 30

Which is most true for you?

16 / 30

Which is most true for you?

17 / 30

Which is most true for you?

18 / 30

Which is most true for you?

19 / 30

Which is most true for you?

20 / 30

Which is most true for you?

21 / 30

Which is most true for you?

22 / 30

Which is most true for you?

23 / 30

Which is most true for you?

24 / 30

Which is most true for you?

25 / 30

Which is most true for you?

26 / 30

Which is most true for you?

27 / 30

Which is most true for you?

28 / 30

Which is most true for you?

29 / 30

Which is most true for you?

30 / 30

Which is most true for you?
